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Punjab Civil Secretariat

ClientGovernment Of Pakistan
Project NamePunjab Civil Secretariat
Project CostRs. 19 Million
Equipment InstalledElevators
Contract ProjectJanuary 01, 2019
LocationLahore, Pakistan

Project Description

The Secretariat of Provincial Assembly of the Punjab enjoys special status among all the other Government offices of Punjab on account of the fact that Article 87 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, read with Article 127, envisages that the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab shall have a separate Secretariat. The same Articles, read together, provide that the Speaker may make rules regulating the recruitment, and the conditions of service, of persons appointed to its secretarial staff. In exercise of this Constitutional mandate, the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab Secretariat (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1986 were made to govern the service matters of the employees of the Assembly Secretariat.

Riaz & Sons Supplied, Installed, Commissioned Elevators at Civil Secretariat Building, Lahore, Pakistan.